Our Mission

Welcome to the Cambridge Women's Commission Community Conversation!
In late 2008, sixty Cambridge community stakeholders and policy and program leaders attended the
Women’s Data Workshop hosted by the Cambridge Women’s Commission.
Initial recommendations in five key areas were proposed:
Economic Issues, Older Women, Women’s Health, Women’s Safety, and Young Women/Girls.

We invite you to use this open forum to share thoughts, comments, ideas and questions about these recommendations and findings.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Overall: What did we find out?

At the workshop, three immediate strategies to increase general program impact were identified...

  1. Increase Information Sharing
    Capitalize on the community and professional connections made at the workshop. Provide a web-based tool for community-wide dialogue, sharing best practices, offering technical/collective assistance, and strategy. (The Cambridge Women’s Commission has created cambridgewomen.blogspot.com to start this conversation.)
  2. Increase Gender-Based Data Collection
    The most marginalized populations—homeless women and children, immigrant populations, those in the lower socio-economic groups—are not sufficiently represented in the current data. Develop protocol and methods that enable agencies and City departments to collect better data.
  3. Increase Assessment and Evaluation
    Expand program assessment and evaluation to include gender. Create an assessment tool for organizations and City departments to objectively gauge their gender climate and improve program outcomes.

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